Event results are finalised.


Join me and Go M.A.D! Let's make a difference to the lives of the disadvantaged. I will be cycling/walking/running for funds for BCCS programmes for the underprivileged. You can join me in the #goMAD23 event, or cheer me on by donating to the cause. Thank you!


$500 Goal

View all activities

Raised $150 so far

2 donors

0 km of 500 km completed

0 activity recorded by Davidtan

Donation event ended

Achievements to Unlock


Lydia Lum

Donated SGD 50

"Love your energy and how you are making a real difference to others here! Happy to Go M.A.D. with you!"


Donated SGD 100

"Love your energy and how you are making a real difference to others here! Happy to Go M.A.D. with you!"

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